Sarah & Hunter


Sarah and had Hunter had their engagement session at on of their favorite restaurants in Grand Rapids.  They particular love the vintage charm, and tile floors. They brought along a vintage cake to feed to each other, and bought a bottle of wine to enjoy during their session. This was during there closed time so it was intimate and relaxed and warm.  Their session was during the winter months, so it was rather cold outside, so this was perfect for something in the cold months here in Michigan.  Sarah wore a beautiful white dress, with pearl heels, and Hunter wore a nice black suit jacket. They had tons of fun, which you can see in their photos, and enjoyed eating cake together and sipping on some wine. I love getting to know the sweet couple, and watching there documenting theri connection with each other. Head over to the weddings portfolio to see their beautiful wedding photos at Leona Road. 

Sarah & Hunter Engagement 

all the details