Veil of Grace 


mentoring opportunities


We offer a mentoring program for aspiring wedding photographers  who are looking to learn from experienced professionals in the industry. Our program is designed to provide personalized and hands-on training that covers everything from shooting techniques to post-production and client management.

Through our mentoring program, we offer one-on-one sessions that can be tailored to the specific needs and goals of each individual participant. This allows for a personalized and customized learning experience that is geared towards each mentee's specific strengths and areas for improvement.

what we offer

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mentoring programs

One of the unique benefits of participating in the mentoring program is the opportunity to shadow and assist us on real wedding shoots. This provides a valuable hands-on experience that allows mentees to observe and learn from experienced professionals in a real-world setting.
Overall, our mentoring program offers a valuable opportunity for anyone looking to improve their skills and knowledge in wedding photography. With our personalized approach and hands-on training, participants are able to gain valuable insights and practical experience that can help take their careers to the next level.

get in touch

learn from us

Are you an aspiring wedding photographer  looking to take your skills to the next level? We would love to help! With our personalized one-on-one sessions, real-world experience, our mentoring program can help you improve your skills, grow your business, and achieve your career goals. Contact us today to learn more and start your journey towards success in the wedding photography industry.

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